Social Media School is for YOU...
Whether you're a small business owner, a corporation, network marketing, or a social seller...
you WILL benefit!
School Curriculum:
Branding, Values, Pillars
Branding + Bio
Content That Makes an Impact
Captions that Convert
CTA Prompts
Batching Content/Content Creation + Programs to Use
Posting Strategy
IG Engagement + The Metrics that ACTUALLY Matter
Q+A Calls x2 (Friday's)
Branding + Bio
Content That Makes an Impact
Captions that Convert
CTA Prompts
Batching Content/Content Creation + Programs to Use
Posting Strategy
IG Engagement + The Metrics that ACTUALLY Matter
Q+A Calls x2 (Friday's)
NOVEMBER 7th-18th (Monday- Friday)
*replay is available for those who cannot attend live*
*replay is available for those who cannot attend live*
Sign up for Social Media School + add Group Voxer Support for a more personalized experience. You have me, in the palm of your hands (literally) to ask ANY questions re: your social media through the whole 10 day course + the group to connect with more deeply!